Previously published as Low Salicylate Food Dictionary by Salicylate Heroes.
Take this book everywhere! It'll help you at home, in a restaurant, out with friends, at the bar, in the supermarket and in any situation when you are not sure about salicylate levels in food or drink.
Many people suffer from salicylate issues and don't even know it. It's time to heal.
Congratulations on choosing this book. This series was created because it's frustrating at how so much information out there seems to confuse us and conflict with other sources. In addition, with salicylates, there is so little good quality information out there.
This book works just like a normal dictionary. Look for a food, drink or ingredient alphabetically or on search.
Every ingredient gets a score between 1 and 5 for salicylate levels and detailed comments where appropriate. It's so easy!
✅ 5 is best (indicates good choice for a low-salicylate diet as per sources)
❌ 1 is worst (indicates poor choice for a low-salicylate diet as per sources)
It's simple - the higher the score the better.
This book takes the world's best and most trusted salicylate lists and guides and compile the information into one easy-to-consult guide - possibly the most comprehensive food and drink list out there.
It's frustrating that there is so little good knowledge out there, particularly in this area. That's why this book was written. Simple.
Remember: Take this book everywhere and start to truly understand your salicylate issues