Managing Administration represents the only introductory text covering management in every occupational setting. This matchless single-source provides the conceptual framework vital to comprehension of the whole system ... offers the foundation for resource deployment-crucial in day-to-day organizational function and problem solving ... and presents a basis for asking pertinent questions, necessary to make the fullest use of specialists within the system.
Managing Administration tackles the subject in four logical sections. The first addresses the ad-ministrative setting, and sets up a conceptual framework. Next, the section on information re-sources in administration explores key research tools. The third unit examines human resources in administration, highlighting organizational change and labor relations. Finally, the section on financial resources delves into financial management, decision making, and budgeting.
Managing Administration truly is a unique addition to the literature. It is the ideal text for grad-uate as well as undergraduate students of public administration, personnel administration, busi-ness management, organization theory, information systems management, and political science. Moreover, any practicing management personnel will find this insightful work indispensable as a reference.