"Dr. John Page has created a heavily facetious handbook of seven foolproof ways to destroy a relationship, complete with case studies drawn from his own experiences. His relationship-killing "strategies" include not listening to one's signifi cant other, keeping finances completely separate, watching porn and denigrating a spouse's family and friends. Once readers wade through the sarcasm, Page offers solid, commonsense relationship advice: make time for each other; trust each other; support, nurture and respect your significant other; and let the things that are important to him or her be important to you. He makes the interesting and thoughtful point that readers can learn how their partners want to be loved by paying attention to how they love." Kirkus Reviews
If you're tired of faking your marriage, read and put into practice the 7 Surefi re Strategies of Marriage Killers--you'll ruin your relationship in no time! Take your marriage seriously and are in it for life? You won't need this book. But if you're in a marriage "until something better comes along," then this book is for you. Stop pretending and get serious about killing your marriage!