When you embark on a journey of REVENGE, dig two graves...
After reigning supreme on the streets of Ft. Lauderdale, the good life for SKEET suddenly takes a backseat and welcomes an unimaginable pain when a war is ignited. Unable to cope with the devastation, he sets out on a path for revenge for the individuals responsible for leaving his son in a coma. When SKEET masks up nobody is safe and the streets are now feeling a hustler's pain.
The leading lady of the Riccardo Cartel, Zuri has her own mission in place and that's to take down the woman who's responsible for the shooting that nearly claimed her life three years ago. Her flesh and blood, her sister Mehzani. When it's time to face off will Zuri have a change of heart? Or will she stand on the principle of loyalty?
Just when Skeet thought the storm was over, he's hit another one that was more catastrophic than the last. Janae, hits him with a surprise of her own, further crumbling their shaky foundation and pushing him to seek comfort in the arms of another woman. Will Janae's secret cause her to lose the love of her life? Or can she save face in the wake of a storm and take his heart back? Embark on this deadly journey, as Skeet handles his OPPS one by one. Will a HUSTLER'S PRAYERS be answered or will Skeet find himself in one of the two places reserved for the streets; death or prison.