This is one of ten stories that appears in Mindscapes: Ten Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction Short Stories (C) 2014 by Victor D. López.
In a world that worships power and raises human beings onto pedestals erected from the insubstantial building blocks of ego, hubris, and self-delusion, it is no wonder that we look for meaning and enlightenment in all the wrong places. We turn a dismissive eye to human suffering and most other things that might blur the image of our own aggrandized reflection in the world around us. We walk by a homeless person while looking away at more inviting vistas, or perhaps assuage our guilt by putting a dollar in their empty cup with the knowledge that there for the Grace. . . .
But what if each one of us--even the most wretched soul amongst us living in despair without hope of redemption--were a god in a singular universe whom sentient beings worship and totally depend upon for their own salvation?