In the aftermath of their harrowing escape from Crooked House, Kane and JJ return home to a hostile reception: accused of perpetrating a town-wide hoax, their dreams of online stardom are shattered. Now, alongside Zach, Meridia, and Izzy, they endure the ridicule of St Swithun's school, trying to rebuild shattered lives.
But looming over them is a greater threat—an ancient prophecy portending apocalypse. With paranormal expert Peter Higginsworth now teaching at their school, the group stumbles upon dark secrets in Cold Christmas, awakening an ancient evil within Crooked House.
Meridia, plagued by terrifying visions, grapples with a newfound, chilling power. As nightmares bleed into reality, they're drawn into a deadly game with the malevolent Cold Christmas witch. With an enigmatic priest hunting a missing boy, they confront the sinister forces of Crooked House once more.
In the second book of the Crooked Tales series, the five friends face a supernatural entity hunting them from beyond the grave. As darkness descends, who will survive the night of the witch?
Some spirits never rest...