This book provides an understanding of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a psychiatric classification that is characterized by a preoccupation with a perceived or slight imperfection in physical appearance. This disorder lowers quality of life due to time-consuming compulsions intended to hide, fix, or check appearance concerns. Although relatively common, BDD. is often not treated appropriately. When untreated, BDD is chronic, severe, and associated with substantial psychosocial impairment and morbidity, including unemployment rates of roughly 40-50%, suicide attempts in 22-28%, and lifetime housebound rates of roughly 30%.
This volume offers an evidence-based review of the literature as background for demonstrations of how to effectively assess and treat BDD. In addition to psychological treatments, pharmacological treatments are presented, and equally important, ineffective treatments are also reviewed. To optimize CBT for BDD, guidelines are provided to address the most common challenges in diagnosis and treatment, including common comorbidities, differential diagnoses with similar disorders, safety management, addressing low insight or motivation, and modifying treatment for special populations including youth, patients from under-represented backgrounds, and BDD variants. Case examples throughout illuminate for practitioners the theoretical and clinical aspects of this complex problem. This is an essential volume for practitioners and clinicians-in-training to broaden their perspective on the disorder and its efficacious treatment