A Davis's Notes title! Perfect wherever you are...in class, in clinical, and in practice!
Put the information you need in class, clinical, and practice at your fingertips with this handy, easy-to-use guide. Each joint tab includes the most effective special tests (rated by sensitivity and specificity), medical screening, imaging, mechanism of injury, ROM, strength and functional deficits.
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Love these. "They are a really good references to have. Easy to access each section. Also made of good material that you can take almost everywhere. Found it useful to keep in my backpack."--Garrick Jones
Great purchase. "It was very helpful with my clinicals. It's a great guide!"--Connie Light
Always good for when you need a quick refresher on things. "Always good for when you need a quick refresher on things and you'd rather not consult Dr. Google in front of patients. Waterproof/resistant pages make it resistant for whatever life can throw at it."--Christopher Davis