A time for testing. A time for betrayal.
Far to the north, where the ice grabs, and
the volcanoes rumble, a queen has carved out a tiny kingdom.
A borderland at the edge of an Empire,
mostly forgotten by those who stand at the center and grasp for power.
Mostly. There are those who remember that the queen placed her kingdom
at the edge of nowhere for a reason. Those that know that Megan built
her kingdom to constrain the power of the leading magician of the
age. The most powerful, the most insane magician of the age.
One of that mage's former cult remembers, and vows to free her master.
She will do anything, and everything, to free her master and avenge
the insult that has held him prisoner, encased in stone for a generation.
Will Megan, and the friends and family she's gathered around her, stop the
cultist before she succeeds? Assuming first that they'll find out who she is...