When my older daughter was about to enter her first year in school I began to worry. She was serious and sensitive AND fervently believed in Santa Claus. What could I do to protect her and her younger sister? What could I do to protect Santa? All those years of praising Santa. What had we been thinking?
No matter which way I finagled the situation Santa's goose was soon to be cooked ( not to mention my own) at the hands of some know-it-all first-grade classmate!
Then in the dark of night under the influence of too much, coffee was it? TADAAH! PLUMPERGUT TO THE RESCUE! One moment Plumpergut was not, and the next moment he was. Not only that, but he was suddenly and forever 13.
In the latest version, Santa sends a seriously disturbed Plumpergut on a quest to find himself, and in the process, to (of course) save Christmas. Along the way, he encounters many good and bad characters. The most important of them is Ozzie, a Christmas scribe mouse who, of all things, is trying to find himself.