In recent years, many multinational enterprises have adopted corporate codes of conduct with social provisions. Increasingly, they are now signing international framework agreements (IFAs) with global unions representing workers by sector of activity. In addition to regulating labor-management relations across global value chains, these agreements aim to promote compliance with ILO core labor standards, often with direct reference to such standards.
Shaping Global Industrial Relations assesses the phenomenon of IFAs, examining their impact around the world as well as their effectiveness in promoting ILO core standards.
This volume
- brings together the contributions of 15 specialists, both academics and practitioners;
- covers the eighty-plus IFAs that existed in July 2010;
- assesses their negotiation and implementation;
- analyzes management's motivation in adopting IFAs;
- provides a number of case studies; and
- discusses IFAs' potential as a model for cross-border industrial relations.