Experience the fascinating, thought-provoking stories of struggles, successes, love, and revenge. This book contains an assemblage of significant, humorous, surprising, poignant, and charming short tales. With his characteristic blend of honesty, insight, humanity, and compassion, storyteller Clive Aaron Gill demonstrates writing that is distilled to potent essentials.
- Reuben waits for a bus. What happens to his cupcakes?
- An office worker waters artificial foliage. Does an observer tell her?
- Roger sees a woman's dog defecate on his lawn. How does he react?
- A woman cannot read or write. Discover how she is encouraged to learn.
- A young man shares intimacies with a woman. Read about a mistaken identity.
- An apartment window has no glass. What happens during a rainstorm at night?
- Dave can't find his car in a city. Where is it?
- Why does a visit result in double pleasure?
- A man reads his neighbor's newspaper every morning. What makes him stop?