Hello! Welcome to"Skills of Communicating With Patient".
The book gives an overview of many of themain communication styles and provides details on how you can improve your skills to get the bestresults in all of your future interactions with your patients. The book will provide you with a broadrange of core communication principles; so that you can start communicating with greaterconfidence with your patients.
The book is best suited to those who want tocommunicate effectively regularly, as the skills and lessons can be actioned with confidenceimmediately.The book explores the specific skills of doctor-patientcommunication and provides wide-ranging evidence of the improvement that those skills can maketo health outcomes and everyday clinical practice. In this book, you will explore a comprehensiveapproach to teaching and learning communication skills throughout all levels of medical education inboth specialist and family medicine.
Here's what makes this bookspecial:Copyright: (c) 2020 by Daniel Johnson, All rights reserved.