You will enjoy meeting Souchy the Tomboy!
She loves her male friends, and she enjoys
playing and hanging out with them as well
as her three older brothers. She likes the
roughness of sports, male clothes, and male
shoes. She really hates dresses and has made
sure her mother knows just how much she
hates them! But she is still a girl, and she
loves her jewelry and painted nails!
Her father doesn't like her playing with or
hanging around the boys. He thinks boys
and girls should be separated. Girls play
with girls and boys play with boys. He wants
Souchy to live as a girl and do all girl things.
Souchy would much rather play with the boys in the neighborhood
because she has no interest in girl games. She only wants to play sports,
have rock fights, jump fences, roller skate, and occasionally play baseball.
Get ready to laugh, cry, and experience Souchy's struggles of being
a tomboy in a household with sometimes rigid gender identities. And
learn about how she overcame her father's dislike of her not wanting
to be like the other girls in the neighborhood and at school.