In the city of Zorgatopolis on the planet Zorga, teenage alien Zorax Zooomster has just saved the planet from a meteorite apocalypse. Unfortunately, before Zorax has a chance to bask in the glory of his heroic act, the sky is suddenly filled with enormous spaceships that immediately suck Zorax's dog, Vanilla, into the light. As Zorax looks on in horror, he has no idea that this horrifying act is just the beginning of an unbelievable chain of events.
Zorax is sure he knows who stole his dog--King Zemus, the immoral and baleful ruler of the galaxy unit. After Zorax summons the assistance of his sister, Zempunella, and his best friend, Zork, to help find Vanilla, the determined freedom fighters fly over the city and soon realize that the spaceships have caused more destruction than they ever imagined. But when Zempunella and Zork are also kidnapped, Zorax has no choice but to embark on a dangerous journey to rescue his companions--all while attempting to prevent a devastating aerial attack promised by Zemus himself.
In this thrilling fantasy tale, a teenage alien crew venture off into a vast galaxy with the hope they can save their civilization from a powerful ruler determined to carry out an evil plan.