The events of the Scout Report Universe (SRU) used to be contained. Now, they are leaking over into our universe, possibly spreading through the entire multiverse.
Paula Rubin works as a parts clerk at a strip mine in western Colorado. Ever since "The Smiths" showed up in the forest around her cabin, strange things have been happening--events seemingly tied to some books which she found had appeared in her house years ago. Paula has things she keeps to herself, such as her ability to channel and communicate with Sad Billy--a mysterious celestial being.
Her boss, Jerry Dunn, also is quite private. Recently, he and his "militia" have become protective of Paula--for good reason, it turns out. Her friend Kayla has some mysteries of her own--not least among them, the ability to see what Paula cannot: she has been called on to do something. She is to deliver a message.
But from whom? ...To whom?
What message...?
The cover art in this Collector's Edition is borrowed from Volume 2 of the Lost Oracle book series (not in publication). It seems appropriate, as the daugs of Hevin are involved in the story that leaks over from the SRU. The Deadly Caretakers, by Samuel Rose, is the first book in this diptycht. They complement each other, though each can be read as a stand-alone. Both are available online in paperback editions through all fine book stores. This fantastic allegorical tale presents a grand vision of Something Unimaginable--far more significant than people on a planet. It will leave you hoping every word is true.