"Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture. Do not build up obstacles in your imagination." ~Norman Vincent Peale
You create everything in your experience whether consciously or unconsciously.
I know that sounds like a very bold statement, but that is exactly what the scientific research is showing. Through the powerful force of our own thoughts you affect what you create and experience in reality.
Another way to put this is, It is the meaning that you give to your life circumstance and experience that creates your reality. No matter the actual events and no matter what is happening you will interpret it by your own personal set of beliefs that you hold as truths in your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind is simply the repository of the thoughts you've thought so frequently since early childhood that they've become imprinted and held as the truth. In fact your subconscious programs have nothing to do with the truth or keeping you safe.
As I'm sure you've witnessed for yourself two different people having a very similar experience will interpret and respond according to their perception, the meaning they give, to the experience.
Also, your subconscious beliefs are not always what you think they are. You may consciously think yourself to be a very positive and optimistic person, but if you're experiencing recurring negative patterns and feeling stuck in your life circumstance then you have subconscious programs running the show from behind the scenes.
You must become aware of your unconscious patterns and beliefs, disrupt them and alchemize them.
One of the most powerful tools to help you become aware of the power of your thoughts and intentions, especially your unconscious thoughts and intentions, is a Dream Board. Find out exactly how to do this and begin to consciously tap into your power to create with, "The Dream Board - The Habit of Success!"
"KG Stiles' 30 years of experience combined with her compassionate passion to assist and facilitate the personal growth and wellness of all is unsurpassed!" -Eldon Taylor, Ph.D., New York Times Best-selling Author, 'Choices and Illusions.'
About the LoveNotes brand: LoveNotes are short reads and summary books created with the intention to inspire and support you to create the truly satisfying life you desire. Each LoveNote focuses on a specialized topic of interest and is created to help you save valuable time and get to the heart of what's most important to you quickly!
Each LoveNotes healing arts instructional publication has been energetically encoded for ease of assimilation. This means you can immediately perform a technique effectively and experience benefits for yourself and others.
Hope you love your LoveNotes as much as I enjoy creating them for you!
Love & blessings to you,
-KG Stiles, Author
Metaphysician & Coach
Founder Health Mastery Systems