Earthly year: 2833
Planet: Mystique, under the influence of the Solar Empire
From the moment she set foot, she couldn't get enough. If she could, she would have embraced it all in a single hug. The endless fields of plants, their soft green stems rising up to 50-70 cm, leafless and ending in clusters of intensely luminous red-to-pink peonies, the low grass forming a dense carpet of the same dark green—all of it gave the impression that the flowers were actually floating above the ground. She walked among them, as if walking on water… each touch creating ripples through the sea of blossoms.
Unaware, she had come very close to the weeping willow wall. She wasn't sure where the name came from, but somehow it seemed to fit these trees perfectly—up to 40 meters tall, with trunks in the same omnipresent shade of dark green that turned almost fluorescent lime green toward the middle, adorned with small pink streaks where countless thin branches originated. These branches fell toward the ground, creating an illusion of perpetual levitation.