This story follows the life of a bright young man from small town USA as he builds his skill at manipulating people. With a combination of today's technology and the ruthless methods of Hitler and Stalin he uses peoples fear and hatred to build his vision of a new world order. His rapid rise from an unknown kid to world leader surprises the entrenched powers that be and he takes advantage of their arrogance to knock them from their power positions. He seems unstoppable as he builds a solid power base and then begins to take over control of the government.
People who get in his way or cause a problem quickly disappear. Even his associates are destroyed when he deems it necessary to accomplish his goals.
As his power grows, his self confidence becomes unrestrained arrogance and just as he seems to have attained success, his goals are suddenly at risk.
This is tense, psychological thriller that, under the right circumstances, could be a true story one day.