Detective Mark Foster is a hard-nosed albeit sometimes corrupt cop looking to solve a case to make his career. He knows that catching the infamous Ice Road Murderer can move him up the ranks. The problem? Foster's life has become one big mess.
A junkie wife, a rebellious teen and lot lizard hooker turned girlfriend, Selena Kuznetsova, have him grasping at straws to keep it all straight.
Jack "Ice Road" Shayde has been on the prowl, tormenting lot lizard hookers, without notice, until Detective Mark Foster gets hot on his trail.
Once The Ice Road Murderer finds he has company, he does everything he can to mess with the head of the Dayton Police Department's best and brightest detective. Beginning a wild goose chase straight across North America.
Will Detective Foster put this man away for good or will he be left chasing his tail?