1. A Mystery Unfolds
2. Books of Spells or Sacred Revelations?
3. History, Religion, Culture: Conspiracy in Context
4. Prime Suspect: Alonso del Castillo
5. Miguel de Luna: Hoaxer, Heretic or Hero?
6. 'As Precious as the Ark of the Covenant'
7. Unification in Opposition: The Strategy Of Ambivalence
8. Opposing Factions
9. Acts of Rebellion
10. Fact, Fiction, Myth: The Afterlife of the Lead Books
11. The Lead Books Today
Appendix 1. Titles of the Lead Books
Appendix 2. Summaries of the Content of the Lead Books
Appendix 3. Translation of the Lead Book entitled Libro de la Historia de la Verdad del Evangelio
Appendix 4. A Translator at Work
Appendix 5. 'Al monte santo de Granada', Sonnet by Luis de Góngora
Select Bibliography