A 2023 Choice Reviews Outstanding Academic Title
The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation, and Selfishness biased and inefficient information dissemination that has degraded US education research and policy since the year 2001, when a series of unfortunate disruptions began:
Billions from the federal government and wealthy foundations have transformed many once-independent national education organizations into "cargo cult" dependents and promoters of the new order, intolerant of divergent points of view. The research and policy brain trust responsible comprised an alliance of convenience among two "citation cartels" of establishment and reform scholars and politicos, and an astonishingly cooperative and un-skeptical group of journalists. It succeeded in focusing attention on their work, while diverting attention away from a much larger universe of others' work (by ignoring, dismissing, or demeaning it) that included a century's worth of mostly experimental scholarship in the fields of psychology and program evaluation.