Giving your kids an allowance is a critical component of raising adults who understand money. Teaching your kids about money is critical to their success as adults. The question many parents ask it, "How?"
Consider this...You hire experts to teach your kids to swim, drive, play sports and learn musical instruments. Yet parents often leave the ONE subject kids MUST become skilled at to chance: MONEY! Only problem is that very rarely is personal finance taught in schools or at home.
If you're concerned about your child's financial future, then The Ultimate Allowance is the only financial parenting tool you'll need to raise financially savvy adults. The Ultimate Allowance teaches your kids about money so they can eventually move out successfully, and it does so while saving you money in the process. This step-by-step system shows you how to take the money you're already spending ON your children and run it THROUGH them instead. This way you teach your kids the language of money while providing plenty of financial practice while they're young. When your children move out successfully, you experience one of the most powerful joys of parents that exists...knowing you raised adults who can take care of themselves.