The White Women is a sequel to the books Silver Sisters and Gray Girls. Lucy, Karen, Mona, and Cheryl continue their tasks set forth in the previous books. Karen has retired, Lucy and Cheryl work part time, Mona works primarily day shift. They used to guide others in the areas of smoking cessation, exercise, weight loss, self-esteem, and absence of drug and alcohol usage. They have turned part of the tasks to others in the hospital.
The four women are now passing knowledge and experience to their children and grandchildren. The families now number almost thirty members with strong individual qualities and characteristics. Their lives are interwoven to appear as one huge family. Joe, the hospital administrator, and Dr. Tony continue to represent hope of progress and healing.
The White Women must let go of one of their own and begin to relinquish their titles to those coming after them. Time has a way of destroying and remolding constitutions. It is the same for these four strong women. Kassie and Cathy become the shining stars in this episode. Don't miss the drama that unfolds as the White Women grow older and pass the baton to those with different destinations.