Time for outrage, indeed ! and for change !
The title of this text by Alexander Bergmann has largely borrowed from Stéphane Hessel's book entitled " Time for outrage! ". This is no accident. Indeed the author was stimulated to write his book by his reading of Hessel's outcry against the inequalities in our world, the race for ever more material goods, and the dictates of the financial markets. Indeed, Alexander Bergmann also thrashes thèse plagues, but he adds a few other concerns like the domination of the economy in particular an economy acting on the bases of neo-liberalism, the unquestioned acceptance of économie imperatives, the continued pursuit of growth, the permanent rush for innovation, the maddening accélération of our society, its cuit of performance, and the détérioration of working conditions. Further, he adds a few possibilities to explore to correct thèse aberrations. For he is convinced that we head for disaster, if we do not rapidly develop a new model of society which breaks with the 'business society', the 'work society' and the 'consumption society' we live in.
This book, without being scientific, is based on a life of observation. It does not want to proof anything, but to convince that we cannot continue on our track and that change is as possible as it is necessary.