Studying the relationship between liberalism and globalization, this special issue examines discourses and practices of violence and redemption. How do we conceptualize violence and redemption outside the terms that liberalism presents? How have social movements throughout the world responded to or engaged liberal assumptions about what constitutes a violent act? How does the experience of suffering expose the futility of the wish to redeem violence through violence? Focusing on the relationship between redemptive promises and the organization, experience, and effects of violence, these essays study the ways in which ethically charged political ambition, both liberal and nonliberal, sometimes organizes violence and sometimes attempts to heal the breach that comes in its wake.
The essays examine topics such as the socioeconomic crisis in Mexico in the 1980s; continuities between plantation slavery, colonization, and the emergence of independent states as war machines in Africa; the culture of a Palestinian suicide bomber; the architecture of mass rioting and rape in Indonesia; the experience of unredeemed suffering in Herman Melville's "Shiloh;" and the aggression of Aborigines in Australia.
Contributors. Tim Blackmore, John Borneman, Gillian Cowlishaw, Richard Falk, Ken Graves, Ghassan Hage, Abidin Kusno, Eva Lipman, Claudio Lomnitz, Patchen Markell, Achille Mbembe, Laura Nader, Steven Sampson, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Candace Vogler, Michael Warner, Margaret Werry, Richard Ashby Wilson