5,760 words short booklet
Practiced with adequate and sufficient psychic and spirtiual self-protection, finding and using your Symbol of Peace, invites healthy self-connection and self-healing. It connects gut and head brains. It honors how each person connects these two somewhat uniquely.
Inner and Outer Cooperation is the big game soul plays in the human experience. Using your Symbol of Peace exercises healthy inner cooperation for self-healing and whole-brainedness (the end of all unnecessary one-sidedness).
One of many beneficial side-effects is to increase one's ability for inner sensing. Bertrand Babinet says we don't come into a place of peace; rather, we let peace come into us; we accept peace is present in us and as us. Practice with Symbol of Peace is a stepping stone for perceiving your own connection with your own Divinity.
Where there is peace there is love; where there is love there is God; where there is God, there is no need ~ Bertrand Babinet
In the West, we know how to work hard for peace. That's the easy 50%, the YANG 50% The other 50% of peace, the yin half, challenges us more, the receiving, the letting go, the surrendering half. Cultural Creatives looking for self-connection can practice inner~outer balance using their Symbol of Peace.
Bertrand encourages us to become receptive to peace, to honor peace as a state of beingness, to make it a value for us personally. Peace is already and always available among and around us. It's a choice. All we do--all we can do--is choose into it. Use your Symbol of Peace to choose into peace.
How to begin? Find at least one workable sensory imagination to practice with. The five categories of Symbols of Peace are described in a script you can follow.
Rev July2024