Worried your little ones might be struggling at school? Are you concerned they can't seem to understand their homework? Scared your son or daughter is falling behind in reading and writing? Co-founder of a leading education center in London, experienced coach and mentor, and child specialist Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana has spent her entire life dedicated to improving the learning outcomes of youngsters. Now she's here to share her easy-to-follow approach to inspiring your kids, so they'll thrive in and out of the classroom.
101 Tips For Helping With Your Child's Learning is a straightforward discussion with quick hits of wisdom for anyone looking to positively teach their kiddos and get them to comprehend faster. With over one hundred proven strategies for increasing reading and spelling skills and maintaining interest at lesson time, Ekine-Ogunlana keeps the focus firmly on results. And by following her grounded logic, you'll have a full toolbox of techniques to steer your young learners towards feeling self-assured and clever.
In 101 Tips For Helping With Your Child's Learning, you'll discover:101 Tips For Helping With Your Child's Learning is the go-to resource you need to see your loved ones blossom and is the first book in the Positive Parenting series. If you like expert advice, well-rounded thinking, and detailed support, then you'll love Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana's thorough manual.
Buy 101 Tips For Helping With Your Child's Learning to let them soar today!