With the ever increasing electronic content in today's vehicles, the need to be able to read automotive wiring diagrams is as important as knowing how to use the different equipments needed to perform diagnostic work. Reading wiring diagrams requires a bit of knowledge of electricity and experience. By knowing the laws and rules that govern electron flow, you can become very proficient at this endeavor. Feel free to play the DVD accompanying this book and referring back to so that you can absorb all the information. Good luck and enjoy.
About the Author
Mandy Concepcion has worked in the automotive field for over 32 years. He holds a Bacgelor's Degree in Applied Electronics Engineering as well as an ASE Master & L1 certification. For the past 23 years he has been exclusively involved in the diagnosis of all the different electronic systems found in today's vehicles. It is here where he draws extensive practical knowledge from his experience and hopes to convey it in his books. Mandy also designs and builds his own diagnostic equipment, DVD-Videos and repair software.
(Including How to Read Automotive Wiring Diagrams)
Copyright 2006, 2021
Table of Contents
Introduction- Electron theory and atoms- Atoms and electrons- Like forces repel and unlike forces attract.- Electron Theory and Metals- What is current?- What is resistance?- Resistance in series and parallel- Resistance and Power- What is voltage?- Introduction to transistors?- What are transformers?- Current Flow Analysis- Switches and Relays