Bombay before Bollywood offers a fresh, alternative look at the history of Indian cinema. Avoiding the conventional focus on India's social and mythological films, Rosie Thomas examines the subaltern genres of the "magic and fighting films"--the fantasy, costume, and stunt films popular in the decades before and immediately after independence. She explores the influence of this other cinema on the big-budget masala films of the 1970s and 1980s, before "Bollywood" erupted onto the world stage in the mid-1990s.
Thomas focuses on key moments in this hidden history, including the 1924 fairy fantasy
Gul-e-Bakavali; the 1933 talkie
Lal-e-Yaman; the exploits of stunt queen Fearless Nadia; the magical neverlands of
Hatimtai and
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp; and the 1960s stunt capers
Zimbo and
Khilari. She includes a detailed ethnographic account of the Bombay film industry of the early 1980s, centering on the beliefs and fantasies of filmmakers themselves with regard to filmmaking and film audiences, and on-the-ground operations of the industry. A welcome addition to the fields of film studies and cultural studies, the book will also appeal to general readers with an interest in Indian cinema.