January 1939
With the world on the brink of war, Captain Steven Hawklin's life begins to crumble around him with villains at every turn.
Charged with causing the assault on Crown City by the ruthless pirate Skyhook, Steven is arrested and put on trial. Meanwhile, forces from his past converge on him seeking vengeance.
At his side, are Steven's most trusted friends including Hardy Miller, Oz Lyman, his half-sister the lovely Juno Li and his Crusaders, pilots of the Clandestine Wing. Adventurers in their own right - perseverant and steadfast but are they up to the challenge to face the dark forces massing against them, and help Captain Hawklin rid himself of the Anubis Curse once and for all?
Find out in the tenth and final book in the action-packed Captain Hawklin Adventures.