The Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed series has remote viewed and analyzed more than sixty-five of the top-ranking cryptocurrencies. The vast majority were ranked within the top 250 coins as of late 2020, according to market capitalization. These are my top picks of all those I have targeted, as measured by the quality and accuracy of my remote viewing data. I also include a bonus top coin to make it 13 coins in total. Now is a good time to begin your cryptocurrency treasure hunt. You will be pleasantly surprised at the bargains that are available in the current market dip.
In this, the eighth book of the series, I present the best of the Keepers from the first six books. These are the crypto projects my data indicates will be winners among the wider sea of crypto losers. I do this by employing a learned skill known as remote viewing to predict the ultimate future for these coins. Use the information as a guide to help narrow down the cryptos that my analysis suggests are worth researching further. I regard all of these worthy of holding onto for dear life. As usual, I include background information on the targeted cryptocurrency, along with my raw data and analysis. The coins I cover have all been drawn from the past seven books in the series. Remote viewing is a learned skill, one based on a strict protocol that employs a fundamental ability shared by all human beings everywhere. To varying degrees, we all have an innate ESP ability we sometimes think of as intuition. What if I were to tell you there is a learned skill that can enhance this natural ability? That through training, it is possible to harness this ability just as a martial artist trains the body to break through preconceived physical and mental barriers? Remote viewing utilizes a disciplined approach originally developed under the auspices of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the 1970s.