Explore a compilation of reference service works by Charles A. Bunge, a leader in the field!This informative and delightful book highlights the contributions of Charles A. Bunge to the literature on reference service. From Past-Present to Future-Perfect: A Tribute to Charles A. Bunge and the Challenges of Contemporary Reference Service offers reference librarian professionals the reprints of selected articles by Charles Bunge, bibliographies of his published work, and original articles that draw on Bunge's values and ideas in assessing the present and shaping the future of reference service. Through this guide, you will explore four categories of Bunge's work, which include measuring the effectiveness of reference service, the reference environment, reference sources, and reflecting on the past and future of reference work. This important book will assist you in creating and maintaining an effective and ethical reference service that will help patrons find the materials they need. With From Past-Present to Future-Perfect, you will gain access to some of Bunge's most important articles on the reference environment. Some of the helpful reference service information you will examine includes: