Sometimes your life can turn on a dime. An idea may come to you. A random thought crosses your mind. A stranger extends an unexpected kindness to you. You meet someone you never expected to see, or you meet someone by pure chance that you feel like you have known all your life. You have a close brush with death, or you find yourself in a book store, a title catches your eye. You pick it up, read a little about it, and wind up getting the book. Any of these happenings can send your life into a more spiritual direction. This book is meant to do just that. You don't have to be a monk to get in touch with your spiritual side. Everyone has the power to change or at least modify their life. A simple modification of your life will help you put yourself aside and become closer to your spiritual side, where the only true peace, joy, and love exist. You can get past the "me" and live a happier and more meaningful life.