Dominic is a well-known playboy billionaire with a long-term girlfriend. His company always comes first because it's his only child. Not even his girlfriend can mess with his company if she wishes to stay his. Girlfriends aside, his current problem is his old executive assistant was never to be found when he needed her. So, he fired her. Now he has to go out and find a new executive assistant. Violet happens to be an executive assistant looking for work except her old employee made it where she can't get hired in the city. What Violet doesn't know that the man she has been playing sand volleyball with is actually Dominic and he is the man she is dying to sink her claws into. You would think him having a girlfriend would stop her, but it doesn't. If anything, it fuels her to temp him harder. What she doesn't realize is that Dominic struggles to restrain himself from giving into her even though everyone and I mean everyone knows he plays around on Catherine. So, what makes Violet so different? Why is he trying so hard to not cave into his desires when he has so many times with others? What is he so afraid of?