Since its first publication, History has become recognized as a masterful exposition of the state of historical scholarship in America. now Johns Higham's classic book is oce again in paperback, updated with a postscript new to this edition to cover devlopments up through the end of the eighties.
Looking beyond specific scholars or studies, Higham explores how the structure of the historical profession developed and analyzes the conceptual frameworks that have shaped the writing of American history during the past century. He shows how each successive trend represented a rebellion against its predecessor but also incorporated a good deal of what its advocates rebelled against--revealing a strong line of continuity through a history of intellectual change.
The book's final chapted represents the most substantial attenpt to date to discern an overall pattern in the writing of American history since the 1960s. Higham's conclusion, that this perios has been one of decline and fragmentation in historical scholarship that may presage yet another rebellion, is sure to be controversial among both historians and observers of the American intellectual scene.