How to Be Happy in This Crazy World is a life manual that teaches key principles that you can follow to be happy in this world, despite the many stresses and pressures that this world offers. The truth is that life is a struggle. There will be good times and bad times. Life is an adventure, and happiness is a choice.
According to official records, every 40 seconds, somebody in this world dies by suicide. Indeed, something very wrong is going on here; and yet when we look at social media, it is as if everyone is always having a great time. However, the truth is often far from the posts that you see online. Many times, the truth is much harder and painful. Everyone is suffering. You may not have a choice which kind of suffering you would like to take, but you have a choice on how you would respond to these sufferings that life throws at you.
How to Be Happy in This Crazy World deals with the hard facts of life, without illusions and without trying to make things look any better than they truly are. Happiness is something that people have been chasing all these time, but it has become too elusive. Whenever you get near it, it just slips. What is it about happiness that makes it so hard to attain these days? How is our world affecting our own pursuit of happiness? Is there anything that we can do to be happy?
By learning about the secrets to happiness, we can pave our way to happiness in this world. Happiness is a choice, and it is something that we can choose regardless of our situation in life. However, actually attaining happiness means more than just deciding to be happy. We also have to make the necessary changes, especially the changes that must come within us. The good news is that this is all within your power to make, but you have to actually do it.
We may not be able to choose the kind of world that we are exposed to. Unfortunately, the world in general is actually getting worse. People are always bombarded with so many things to think and worry about. Many people are also facing serious financial problems even though they are clearly doing their best and working hard. But, know that regardless of your situation in life, you can still be happy. It is just a matter of making adjustments in your life, as well as in the way that you handle your worries. So, are you ready to learn powerful and effective ways to be happy? If yes, then let us begin your journey.