If you'd like to quickly, easily and painlessly build a giant swipe file full of powerful "blockbuster" ads (that have been proven to work in dozens of different markets) from some of history's top copywriters, then this short book shows you how!
It's called: How To Build An Instant Million Dollar Copywriting Swipe File
It's short (you can read it in less than 10 minutes).
It's full of links and leads on where to get ads cheap (and free).
And it's one of the best resources you can ever get your hands on if you write copy of any kind - including:
• Direct Mail
• Websites
• Emails
• Space ads
• Post cards
• Auto-responders
• Landing pages
• Squeeze pages
• or even Classified ads!
A NEW Bonus Section!
Now, you get an entire analysis of a swipe file, with insightful comments along each step of the way by the copywriter who designed and created this powerful ad!
Literally, jump into the mind of a Copyrighter!