The Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies presents a valuable opportunity for researchers at all levels including students; Undergraduates and Postgraduates alike, and all levels of academic staff from Demonstrator to Professor, to write and publish articles of their research activities within the sport's world. The papers are externally reviewed by academics from institutions in the UK and overseas who have an interest in researching sport and Physical Education.
A glance down the contents page reveals a range of contributions which will be informative and thought provoking for people at different points on their journey through education and/or research experience. Reviewers' comments have been incorporated at the end of papers with a view to stimulating further discussion about a given topic.
JQRSS has developed an international presence, becoming a stage for voices to share and collaborate in research. In volume 12, JQRSS welcomes authors from: Australia, South Africa, China, Germany, Greece and America. JQRSS has become an accessible stage for a wide range of researchers who share a common bond through their research topics and writing styles.