Kairos Time. A time we feel is God appointed. A time that becomes more than yesterday, today, and tomorrow combined.
Are you in need of a Kairos moment in your life?
Angela Crist, author of Kairos Time part one, Barb Miller, author of part two, and Niccie Kliegl, author of part three, use their unique faith journeys of God's perfect timing in their life as a way to nudge you toward God's great presence in your life, in the here and now.
Kairos, another word for time, is used in the New Testament and speaks in relation to God-ordained times throughout history, sometimes called the "right time" or "appointed season" (Titus 1:3). Kairos is God's dimension-one not marked by the past, the present, or the future. Rather by moments of time tucked within monumental events.
The cross was a kairos moment. Romans 5:6 says, "For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly."
Your authors will prompt you to look back at your past, grab onto the present, and lean into your future in order to receive the Kairos moments waiting for you:
PART 1: Burning off the Past (Angela Crist) Here you will heal from past hurts, for a strong foundation found through discovering your identity in Christ.
PART 2: Lighting up the Present (Barb Miller) Here you will find a beauty within your present surroundings and within yourself, regardless of your past, that only Christ can provide.
PART 3: Blazing into the Future: (Niccie Kliegl) This is where you will learn to boldly step into your new God-appointed future.
Kairos Time truly depicts a heartfelt desire to see each reader healed from anything Satan tries to use to hold them back, full of love and beauty in their present time and situations, and lastly, courageous and equipped to take on the future God designed for them before their very first breath.