What do a TV soap, a polluted river and a murder have in common?
The village of Lower Mulberry has had its fair share of changes over the years since Lucinda Goodbody, retired teacher from an inner city school, first bought the isolated lodge on the edge of the big estate. She misses her two closest friends. Rachel Spencer, the former postmistress, and Shem the eco activist who, until recently, had lived in the woods.The recent sale of the Rutherford estate to an international hotel chain and the imminent arrival of the cast of Shelby Court, a popular TV soap opera, causes excitement but there is growing concern when the Little Mull river is found to be heavily polluted, causing harm to one of the locals, then the body of a celebrity is found floating in its poisoned water. But, was it accidental or is there more to his death?
Lucinda Goodbody is understandably worried when a newcomer sets up a temporary camp in the woods close to her home, she acquires an unwanted guest and a local teenager goes missing without reason or explanation. Yet, with all that is wrong in Lower Mulberry, nothing can prepare the village, or the wider world, for the terrible events that are about to change lives forever...