This handbook is the third in a series on the Law of Attraction.For the reader who wants a very different approach to LOA, Law of Attraction: 70 Daily Lessons to Manifest Love, Success & Joy is a unique look into the power of what makes the attraction takes place.
You will find information here that they will find no where else. This set off lessons is powerful yet easy to consume. In all of the discussion and teaching of the Law of Attraction, what may be missing is a deeper look into the behaviors and mechanics of how manifesting actually takes place.
When you know more about how manifesting works, how things are attracted to us, then you are better able to apply the concepts and weave them into our daily routine of life. It is not enough to just say mantras and hope for the best. Manifesting is a result of an active partnership between us and the Universe. And knowing how and why the Universe responds to us creates a power position for the reader who wants to manifest joy, love, financial freedom, and success.
Lance's daily lessons provides the framework, the tools in the toolbox, for how to move into that space of manifesting reliably. Less guessing at what is the right thing to do and more lessons on what the right thing is to do.