Model Breakers: Breaking Through Stereotypes and Embracing Your Authenticity explores the intersection of self-awareness, identity, and minority stories. Charlene Wang invites us to change the limiting beliefs we impose on ourselves and break through the stereotypes that can keep us from achieving our dreams. Through the experiences of numerous Model Breakers, this book will help you to take risks and turn disadvantages into powerful tools.
This book is for anyone who strives to fearlessly discover, accept and share their story with the world. If you are looking for some inspiration to surpass stumbling blocks in your personal and professional journey, this book is a must read. Learn how to break through stereotypes and become a Model Breaker!
Charlene Wang is donating all of her income from this book to LivingOS.Org, the nonprofit organization she founded to empower everyone to embrace their full authenticity in life. offers inspiration and support through community and small group coaching cohorts that help people become their full selves. Learn more at