Dive deep into the Ideology, philosophy, and worldview that changed the world in 1933 and still does to this day! Ask yourself this: Can you really trust the information that you are receiving from your Governments, Universities, or Influencers? Can you believe everything that your teacher or professors say is correct? Do you honestly trust your national news networks to tell the honest truth and even the brutal truth? If you said "No" or "Maybe" or even "I don't really know". How can you trust what you've been told in your History class? This book is a must-read for those wanting to gain a more thorough understanding of German National Socialism and the creator, leaders, and followers. This book is for everyone and anyone even those who hate us without having the real truth about us from us. Delve into the key people who forged National Socialist German Policy and understand the foundations of National Socialism and its ultimate understanding of the universe. Find the answers to many questions and myths people have about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler. You do not want to miss this opportunity to read our side of the story and have no distortion of the facts. The real truth about us and what we believe. The victors write the history books and you have been fooled.