Extensively revised and updated to encompass the latest developments in the PIC 18FXXX series, this book demonstrates how to develop a range of microcontroller applications through a project-based approach. After giving an introduction to programming in C using the popular mikroC Pro for PIC and MPLAB XC8 languages, this book describes the project development cycle in full. The book walks you through fully tried and tested hands-on projects, including many new, advanced topics such as Ethernet programming, digital signal processing, and RFid technology. This book is ideal for engineers, technicians, hobbyists and students who have knowledge of the basic principles of PIC microcontrollers and want to develop more advanced applications using the PIC18F series.
This book Includes over fifty projects which are divided into three categories: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.
New projects in this edition:
Logic probe
Custom LCD font design
Hi/Lo game
Generating various waveforms in real-time
Ultrasonic height measurement
Frequency counter
Reaction timer
GPS projects
Closed-loop ON/OFF temperature control
Bluetooth projects (master and slave)
RFid projects
Clock using Real-time-clock (RTC) chip
RTC alarm project
Graphics LCD (GLCD) projects
Barometer+thermometer+altimeter project
Plotting temperature on GLCD
Ethernet web browser based control
Ethernet UDP based control
Digital signal processing (Low Pass Filter design)
Automotive LIN bus project
Automotive CAN bus project
Multitasking projects (using both cooperative and Round-robin scheduling)
Unipolar stepper motor projects
Bipolar stepper motor projects
Closed-loop ON/OFF DC motor control