The first book, "Rubix – Saving Humanity," introduces the Heros of these books.
The second book, "Albert – Saving Humanity," gives us their long history and why they are here.
The third book, "Matthew – Saving Humanity," wraps up everything?
All humanity is doomed.
Numerous unanswered questions:
I have a plan to save everyone. I am one of Space Force's most decorated officers, accused of killing somebody that does not exist. Can you be held criminally responsible for murdering someone who never lived?
Was there a secret spaceship mission no one knew about or something created by a computer error?
Had time travel happened, or was everyone on the spaceship crazy?
Had science gone too far, trying to manipulate Space/Time?
Is Rubix a savior or a villain?
A plan exists to save everyone on our home planet, but no one wants to talk about it. Politics, espionage, counter-espionage, murder, assassination, lies on top of lies, and love may be dooming our world into non-existence.
A breakthrough in physics that Albert Einstein did not think was possible could save us all, if …