Santiago Montoya, a young boxer in New Mexico, faces the crossroads of his life in SANTIAGO, a thrilling journey story and a moving, authentic tale of love, destiny, charity and courage. This is SANTIAGO, a brilliant, compelling novella and a tribute to Emiliano Zapata, Ernest Hemingway and Paul Desmond.
Praise for Mike Tucker
"Spartacus Did the Right Thing is one of the novels that has won Mike Tucker's prose just comparison to Ernest Hemingway. Tucker's short, energetic sentences are stripped down and laconic, lending a rhythm and directness to the narrative that immediately recalls Hemingway."
Miles Amoore, the African Correspondent THE SUNDAY TIMES
"If Hemingway were alive, he would be buying drinks for Mike Tucker all night long, for Tucker's vivid, moving first-hand account of a 250 kilometer deep reconnaissance behind Burmese Army lines, The Long Patrol, pivots on those quintessentially Hemingwayesque themes of armed men fighting to survive against overwhelming odds."
Jim Algie, Editor, author and journalist. Untamed Travel.
"A brilliant Depression-era thriller that could not be more real or compelling, Hawkins is a quick, riveting read. The characters in Hawkins are authentic and unforgettable. There is so much injustice in the world and the damn truth is, there always has been. But as Mike Tucker says in Hawkins, "You cannot win the fight alone, but if you stand for justice, you will never fight alone." And that is the heart and soul of this great book, Hawkins."
Cole Russell, Flagstaff, Arizona