Sea of Heartbreak is a story set in 1977. Jack Thorne and his high school sweetheart, Sarah Long, wanted to be married one year after high school. Unfortunately, the world got in the way when Jack decided to enlist in the US Navy. He was looking for a career and thought the military could teach him just that. He and Sarah wanted to pursue the American dream. The book follows Jacks four years in the navy. Jack excels in the military and enjoyed the adventures. Yet he was desperately in love with Sarah Long. Jacks childhood best friend and fellow sailor, Mike Farmer, has been Jacks devoted friend. Mike is the outgoing one with a girl in every port. So unlike Jack in that way. The two of them work as a team. They have an extremely close brotherhood and always guard each others back.
But for Sarah Long, it is hell on the home front. She is going to college and working a full-time job just to pass the time away. She struggles seeing friends get married and others dating, always staying faithful to the love of her life. But its hard when you only get one phone call on the weekend and have to deal with deployments lasting several months. About the time Jacks four years are up, he volunteers for a dangerous mission in war-torn Lebanon in 1981 during the Lebanese Revolution. He comes home a different man than when he left four years ago. Sarah is trying to live with the new man that is fighting the ghosts that haunt him. She is searching for answers to their problem. Little did Jack Thorne know this was the beginning of the war on terror that the world has denied.