Read it! Teach it! Do not destroy this book! The Prophet's life! The Jannah is yours!
President Trump wins because his supporters standup to defend him. They are even willing to die for him. Support the Prophet's Biography. Do not let the Kafirun win. Any book that brings someone closer to Allah is a good book. Do not destroy it. Take the time to support such books with good ratings, such as The Stories of the Prophets, The Purification of the Soul, The Path to Guidance, Seerah of Prophet Muhammad, Hadith of the Prophet. Do not destroy them with bad ratings. All sales from these book support the people that needs it the most. Take the time to lift up the Prophet, peace be upon him, and to lift up Islam, and Allah will lift you up on the day you need it the most.
How many times have you wished if the prophet was here? This book is a message of love from a human being to the best of human beings, peace and blessings be upon him.
This a very good book. It is written in simple English for Da'wah. If you have strong Iman, then by the end of the book you will cry for this beautiful and kind man. His prayer after the event of Taif is one of the most beautiful dua's (prayers).Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last Messenger of Allah (God)). He was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Most of his early life was spent as a merchant. The biography is in chronological order of the events of the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) from his childhood till he was called by the Lord of the universe (Allah).