Selling lipstick never killed anyone. Right?
When Arcadia's cousin Tiffany becomes Lake Dennis' newest Bevvy Jane salesperson, the Shabby Hearts Trailer Park is turned upside down. Lipstick, makeup, and face tape become hot commodities, and the competition for sales gets fierce. To make matters worse, the body of the Bevvy Jane Sales Director is found dead in the tomato garden. Naturally, some residents blame the murder on Bigfoot. Arcadia's ex is the new sheriff and pins the crime on Tiffany. If Arcadia wants answers and has any hope of setting Tiffany free, she'll have to get to the bottom of Shabby Hearts' latest mystery. Things get weirder when Aunt Mavis takes up her own shabby sideline. But at least she hasn't killed anyone. Not yet, anyway. Shabbier by the Minute is Book Two in the Shabby Hearts series.